Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

The oldest violin in the World There is in Malang Indonesia

MALANG, - Antonio Stradivari violin brand made in 1725 that found one in Malang, East Java, is believed to be one of the oldest violin in the world. Found precisely in a market ragged, Malang. The inventor is Mudzoffar (75), a resident of Jl. Shell Gg I, No. 5 Village Comb, Stone Town. Mudzoffar, who bought it in 1957.

He bought it in a man's descent Tiong Hoa, named Om Sui. At that time, Mudzoffar get the violin without strings. Violin was bought at a price of Rp 7,000. Mudzoffar that since teens are a hobby playing music just never know who bought a very valuable violin.

"But then, when I buy a violin, I do not know that the violin is a violin kind of nice," she admitted, met, at his home on Saturday (09/07/2011). Mudzoffar only recently learned that the violin had the oldest musical instrument after reading an article on the internet. "At that time I just found out. Then I checked it was also the year of manufacture in the body of this fiddle," he said, holding the violin.

Violin made by Antonio Stradivari was produced in 1725. The author name and year of production itself is contained within the body of a violin. "That's what makes me confident that this violin is one of the oldest in Indonesia and even in the world," he said.

Meanwhile, the search Mudzoffar own, both books and numerous articles on Antonio Stradivari violin, viola made by Antonio Stradivari violin was indeed one of the best in the world. Characteristics, located on the label Antonius Stradivarius Anno Cremonensis Faciebat, followed by years of manufacture. The instruments of Stradivari's work the best, manufactured between the years 1698-1725, culminating in the year 1715. After 1730, some instruments signed by Stradivari, and made by the two sons of Stradivari called Omobomo and Francesco.

Stradivari during his life only makes the 1100 musical instruments, and most of the violin. Among that number only about 650 instruments (512 of them are violin) surviving over the age of 250 years. "Meanwhile, the other one was destroyed in a fire or other accident, one lost at sea or floods, and some were destroyed by fire bombing of Dresden in World War II," he explained.

Stradivari violin is one of the world's best violins ever created and has the highest prices. Until now, still played by a professional violinist. Each violin made by Stradivari that still exist, each has his nickname. On June 21, 2011 then, in 1721 Stradivari violin known as the "Lady Blunt" was bought by an anonymous bidder for $ 9.808 million pounds. Money from the auction were used to help the earthquake victims of Japan.

While on October 14, 2010, 1697 Stradivari violin known as "Molitor" sold online by the Auction Tarisio worth 3.6 million U.S. dollars, while the famous concert violinist Anne Akiko Meyers. Earlier, on May 16, 2006, auction house Christie's auction for $ 3.544 million Hammer Stradivari 1707 U.S. dollars.

Until now, though the violin was owned Mudzoffar rare, still no one has bid to buy. "If anyone bought it does not matter, as long as suitable price," he said. Currently, the existing violin strings, bought by Mudzoffar, to be used for playing music at home.

"Today I have bought the strings. It's often used in Sinar Harapan Malay Orchestra, which he founded in 1954. Until now, the quality of the sound produced is quite clear," he admits

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