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Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Ilmuwan Temukan Binatang Aneh Mirip Tikus Dan Gajah

BONI DODORI (Berita SuaraMedia) - Seekor mamalia berbulu dengan hidung mirip belalai muncul di hutan terpencil Afrika.

Tikus agak besar ini diperkirakan spesies baru.

Ahli konservasi yang mempelajari keanekaragaman hayati di hutan Boni-Dodori, pantai timur laut Kenya, telah mendirikan jebakan kamera di wilayah tersebut setelah seorang ilmuwan melihat binatangsengi (tikus gajah) yang tidak dikenal.

Dari gambar tersebut, peneliti mengenali warna merah marun di sisi bahu dan punggung spesies itu. Hewan ini juga berciri pantat yang lebih rendah dengan warna hitam.

Secara garis besar, ilmuwan menilai bahwa makhluk ini lebih besar dibandingkan tikus berbelalai biasa.

Diperkirakan, objek itu miliki berat 600 gram, sepanjang 550 milimeter dan memiliki ekor 250 milimeter.

Tim ilmuwan yang berasal dari Zoological Society of London (ZSL) dan Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) ini menganalisa DNA binatang itu untuk mengkonfirmasi apakah benar termasuk spesies baru.

Jika terbukti, hewan ini menjadi spesies ke-18 dari sengi yang masuk di keluarga Macroscelididae di mana semuanya berasal dari Afrika.

“Nenek moyang kita sering salah memahami hewan ini"

"Strategi perkawinan monogami dan moncong karismatik mereka yang fleksibel membuat spesies ini sangat menawan,” kata peneliti dari California Academy of Science Galen Rathbun. (ar/dt/dlm)

Presiden SBY dan PM Malaysia bahas tenaga kerja

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Najib Razak hari ini (20/10) mengadakan pertemuan di Lombok antara lain membahas rencana pencabutan larangan sementara pengiriman pembantu rumah tangga ke Malaysia.

Juru bicara kepresidenan Teuku Faizasyah mengatakan kedua kepala pemerintahan membicarakan nota kesepahaman, MoU, mengenai penempatan TKI di Malaysia yang telah diperbaiki.

Mereka selanjutnya akan mendapat laporan dari satuan tugas gabungan pada pertengahan bulan depan.

"Nanti setelah dilaporkan pada pertengahan November tentunya kedua kepala pemerintahan bisa menilai sejauh mana persiapan di lapangan sudah memenuhi kondisi obyektif sehingga moratorium dapat ditinjau kembali," kata Faizasyah kepada BBC Indonesia.

Nota kesepahaman baru ketenagakerjaan ini ditandatangani Mei lalu berisi pengaturan struktur gaji, pemberian hak libur dan paspor pekerja yang sekarang boleh dipegang tenaga kerja.

"Apabila semuanya berjalan sesuai harapan setidaknya per tanggal 1 Desember nanti diharapkan proses (pencabutan moratorium) itu bisa dilakukan namun di dalam implementasinya harus ada mekanisme evaluasi," tambahnya.
Perdagangan dan investasi

Indonesia menghentikan pengiriman tenaga kerja sektor pembantu rumah tangga ke Malaysia sejak Juni 2009 menyusul serangkaian kasus-kasus penyiksaan pekerja rumah tangga asal Indonesia di negara itu.
Calon TKW di penampungan

Pintu pengiriman pekerja domestik ke beberapa negara ditutup sementara termasuk ke Malaysia

Selain Indonesia, pemerintah Kamboja pekan lalu juga menyatakan larangan pengiriman pembantu rumah tangga ke Malaysia setelah muncul dugaan penyiksaan terhadap pekerja domestik asal Kamboja.

Malaysia mulai merekrut pembantu asal Kamboja setelah Indonesia menghentikan pengiriman tenaga PRT ke Malaysia.

Dengan larangan Indonesia dan Kamboja, puluhan ribu rumah tangga Malaysia kesulitan mendapatkan pembantu rumah tangga.

Selain masalah ketenagakerjaan, Presiden Yudhoyono dan Perdana Menteri Malaysia Najib Razak dalam pertemuan Konsultasi Indonesia-Malaysia ke-8 di Lombok ini juga membicarakan hubungan perdagangan dan investasi kedua negara dan juga masalah perbatasan.

Pertemuan konsultasi sebelumnya diadakan di Putrajaya, Malaysia pada Mei 2010.

Mantan pemimpin Libia Gaddafi tewas

Mantan pemimpin Libia Muammar Gaddafi tewas setelah penyerangan di Sirte, menurut para pejabat pemerintahan transisi.

Menteri Penerangan Mahmoud Shammam mengatakan para pejuang memberi tahu bahwa mereka telah melihat jenazah Gaddafi, dan para pejabat lain juga mengatakan ia telah meninggal.
Pernyataan itu belum dapat dipastikan secara independen. Laporan lain menyebutkan ia ditangkap hidup-hidup.

Sebelumnya komandan pasukan transisi Libia mengatakan mereka telah menangkap Gaddafi.

Laporan itu muncul setelah pasukan transisi mengklaim mereka menguasai Sirte, tempat kelahiran Gaddafi, setelah pertempuran berminggu-minggu.

Sejumlah laporan yang belum dapat dipastikan menyebutkan sebelumnya Kolonel Gaddafi terluka dalam penyerangan itu.

Gaddafi digulingkan bulan Agustus lalu setelah 42 tahun berkuasa.

Mahkamah Kejahatan Internasional mengupayakan penahanannya.

"Ia ditangkap. Ia terluka di kedua kakinya," kata pejabat Dewan Transisi Nasional (NTC) Abdel Majid kepada kantor berita Reuters.

"Ia telah diangkut dengan ambulans," kata Majid.
Perayaan 'penangkapan'

Kantor berita AFP mengutip pejabat NTC lain, Mohamed Leith yang mengatakan Kolonel Gaddafi ditangkap di Sirte dan "luka parah" namun masih bernafas.

Seorang tentara yang mengatakan sebagai penangkap Gaddafi menceritakan bahwa mantan pemimpin ini berteriak, "Jangan tembak!".

Wartawan BBC Caroline Hawley di Tripoli mengatakan walaupun berita penangkapan itu belum dipastikan, mobil-mobil membunyikan klakson di ibukota dan senjata ditembakkan ke udara sebagai tanda perayaan.

Sebelumnya, para komandan NTC di Sirte yang terletak sekitar 360 kilometer di timur Tripoli, mengatakan kota itu telah mereka kuasai.

"Tidak ada lagi pasukan Gaddafi," kata Kolonel Yunus al-Abdali kepada kantor berita Reuters.

"Kami sekarang mengejar pejuang yang mencoba melarikan diri."

Para pejuang di Sirte merayakan dengan melepaskan tembakan ke udara dan meneriakkan "Allahuakbar" (Allah Maha Besar).

Pasukan pemerintahan sementara menghadapi perlawanan sengit di Sirte dan menggunakan artileri berat dalam pertempuran. Ribuan warga sipil melarikan diri.

Pasukan NTC juga banyak yang jatuh di kota Bani Walid, di tenggara Tripoli dalam beberapa minggu terakhir.

Hari Senin lalu (17/10) NTC mengatakan mereka menguasai 90% kota itu termasuk kawasan pusat kota.

Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

Overcome Difficulties Service DAS Damage

KEBUMEN - Water Resources Energy Office of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDAESDM) admitted the difficulty to handle severe environmental damage due to erosion in the Watershed (DAS) in Kebumen.
"Service has no authority to handle the environmental damage watershed, because it is the authority of the Balai Besar Balai PSDA Serayu Opak Probolo Kutoarjo," said Head of the River and the beach at the Department of Energy and Mineral Resources ESDA Kebumen, Bambang Sudarmadji Besos.
Met at his office on Thursday (23 / 6) Bambang Sudarmaji admit, environmental damage in each basin Kebumen mempeerihatinkan enough. "However, we have repeatedly proposed that the environmental damage in the watershed get immediate treatment," he said.
In fiscal year 2011, a number of attempts to tackle the Balai PSDA will be performed in four watersheds in Kebumen. Four watershed covers DAS Luk Ulo, Telomoyo DAS, DAS and DAS Kali Wawar Ijo. Is already available for purposes of the budget of 4.5 billion dollars.
There is also the designation, continued Bambang, for the construction of Kali gronsil Luk Ulo in the Village District Kedungwinangun Klirong, levee repairs in time Kemit Sembir Hamlet, Village Sidomukti Adimulyo District and Village District Kenteng Sempor and levee repairs in Dea Jatinegoro kalio Jatinegoro Sempor District.
Next, in three villages in the district and village Sempor and Karanganyar District Grenggeng incoming Telomoyo watershed area. "Executors of the KDP Sempor by cooperating with third parties, are now entered the auction phase," said Bambang Sudarmadji.
As reported, the environmental damage in a number of watershed Kebumen has made residents uneasy. As a result of erosion, some residents have Kedungwinangun Village homeless after house they lived in collapsed. Even in the year 2010 yesterday, jebolnya river embankment in the Village District Sidomukti Adimulyo casualties. The overall environmental degradation of the upstream region, the middle to downstream due to logging and sand mining is carried out illegally

PN degree military clashes and Citizens Assembly

KEBUMEN - Session prime carrier penganiaayaan cases involving food for the Army Setrojenar Village residents who held the District Court (PN) Kebumen, Monday (4 / 7), almost in an uproar. Title of proceedings involving cases of persecution and Sutriono Asmarun alias alias Godreg Lubar, against Wagimun, villagers tapping, District Ambal, it should also be heavily guarded officer.
The atmosphere heats up when the victim's family met with the family of the accused outside the courtroom. Both sides almost clashed. The reason, the families of the victims tried to attack the defendant's family entourage. Luckily, joint officers Kebumen Police Mobile Brigade unit assisted Satpol Kutoarjo and PP under the Chief of Police Kebumen, AKBP Andik Setiyono SIK SH MH successfully intervene. In order not to repeat itself, officials limit the number of visitors allowed into the courtroom. Most of the mass of stuck out.
Meanwhile, the agenda of the session, led by Chief Justice SH MH Surono with judges of the Lis Susilowati Sutikna SH SH and MH is the reading of the indictment the prosecutor (prosecutor). Before reading the charges, the prosecutors from the Attorney General Affairs Kebumen questioned the defendant's legal advisor, Teguh Purnomo SH MHum the incumbent Chairman of the Commission Kebumen. But the judges refused the prosecutor objected.
In its claim, the prosecutor of Omar Dhani SH, Eko Basuki Yulianto SH and SH Bintarti said the two accused namely Asmarun alias alias Godreg Sutriono Lubar and has committed abuses against the victim, Wagimun on April 11, 2011. At that time, the victim is carrying 50 packets of rice packs for soldiers of the army which was at the Village Dislitbang Setrojenar intercepted and beaten the two defendants. As a result of the beating, the victim suffered injuries and had to undergo treatment at the Puskesmas Buluspesantren. "The actions of the defendant, violated Article 170 paragraph (1) jo Penal Code Article 351 paragraph (1) to-1 of the Criminal Code punishable by a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment and 2 years 8 months," said the prosecutor.
Upon indictment, the defendant through his legal counsel, Teguh Purnomo SH MHum admitted the objection and exception to read (the defense). Therefore, the judges agreed to delay the trial, and will hold a re-hearing the case on Monday (11 / 7) future.
As reported, the District Court (District Court) held a hearing Kebumen case case military clashes with residents in April for two consecutive days, Monday and Tuesday (4-5/7). Six villagers Setrojenar a defendant in the lawsuit. After hearing the case yesterday persecution, PN Kebumen Affairs will hold a hearing case against four other defendants, today (5 / 7). The four defendants each, Lekhan, Birin, Mulyono, and Adi was charged with destruction of facilities owned by the TNI. (Cah)

Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

The oldest violin in the World There is in Malang Indonesia

MALANG, - Antonio Stradivari violin brand made in 1725 that found one in Malang, East Java, is believed to be one of the oldest violin in the world. Found precisely in a market ragged, Malang. The inventor is Mudzoffar (75), a resident of Jl. Shell Gg I, No. 5 Village Comb, Stone Town. Mudzoffar, who bought it in 1957.

He bought it in a man's descent Tiong Hoa, named Om Sui. At that time, Mudzoffar get the violin without strings. Violin was bought at a price of Rp 7,000. Mudzoffar that since teens are a hobby playing music just never know who bought a very valuable violin.

"But then, when I buy a violin, I do not know that the violin is a violin kind of nice," she admitted, met, at his home on Saturday (09/07/2011). Mudzoffar only recently learned that the violin had the oldest musical instrument after reading an article on the internet. "At that time I just found out. Then I checked it was also the year of manufacture in the body of this fiddle," he said, holding the violin.

Violin made by Antonio Stradivari was produced in 1725. The author name and year of production itself is contained within the body of a violin. "That's what makes me confident that this violin is one of the oldest in Indonesia and even in the world," he said.

Meanwhile, the search Mudzoffar own, both books and numerous articles on Antonio Stradivari violin, viola made by Antonio Stradivari violin was indeed one of the best in the world. Characteristics, located on the label Antonius Stradivarius Anno Cremonensis Faciebat, followed by years of manufacture. The instruments of Stradivari's work the best, manufactured between the years 1698-1725, culminating in the year 1715. After 1730, some instruments signed by Stradivari, and made by the two sons of Stradivari called Omobomo and Francesco.

Stradivari during his life only makes the 1100 musical instruments, and most of the violin. Among that number only about 650 instruments (512 of them are violin) surviving over the age of 250 years. "Meanwhile, the other one was destroyed in a fire or other accident, one lost at sea or floods, and some were destroyed by fire bombing of Dresden in World War II," he explained.

Stradivari violin is one of the world's best violins ever created and has the highest prices. Until now, still played by a professional violinist. Each violin made by Stradivari that still exist, each has his nickname. On June 21, 2011 then, in 1721 Stradivari violin known as the "Lady Blunt" was bought by an anonymous bidder for $ 9.808 million pounds. Money from the auction were used to help the earthquake victims of Japan.

While on October 14, 2010, 1697 Stradivari violin known as "Molitor" sold online by the Auction Tarisio worth 3.6 million U.S. dollars, while the famous concert violinist Anne Akiko Meyers. Earlier, on May 16, 2006, auction house Christie's auction for $ 3.544 million Hammer Stradivari 1707 U.S. dollars.

Until now, though the violin was owned Mudzoffar rare, still no one has bid to buy. "If anyone bought it does not matter, as long as suitable price," he said. Currently, the existing violin strings, bought by Mudzoffar, to be used for playing music at home.

"Today I have bought the strings. It's often used in Sinar Harapan Malay Orchestra, which he founded in 1954. Until now, the quality of the sound produced is quite clear," he admits

"No Need Frustrated Again, Pedrosa"

Dani Pedrosa. - race director Paul Butler responded to the criticism leveled Spaniard, Dani Pedrosa, on his handling of a controversial incident with Marco Simoncelli in Le Mans, 15 May. He said the decision already taken is the right race committee.
I think Dani should not have to continue to feel frustrated
- Paul Butler

Pedrosa is definitely very disappointed and frustrated with the incidence of the French GP. At the time he was competitive and still recovering from a broken collarbone injury left, Pedrosa just have had the misfortune of an accident at Le Mans it.

The accident happened because Pedrosa Simoncelli nudged the back of the motorcycle, which was considered illegal because the overtaking maneuver from the outside during cornering to the left, so he (Pedrosa) crashed and broke his right collarbone. At that time they were fighting over the number two position. Due to continued, Pedrosa should be absent in the next three series, before appearing again at the Italian GP last weekend.

After attending a meeting of the Commission on Security (Safety Commission) on Friday (08.07.11), Pedrosa is still feeling dissatisfied. He continued to confront members of the race directors, Paul Butler, Franco Uncini, Claude Danis and Javier Alonso. Repsol Honda rider main complaint is, the penalty given to Simoncelli too soft, because according to Pedrosa, "Super Sic" should banned for two series.

To the MCN, Pedrosa said: "What is said is that the race directors were allowed full contact. If you like you can touch another racer and nothing happens. This is something that ridiculous.

"It's clear that he did not learn. It is clear that the race directors can not provide good security when he was riding close to you, so you have to take care of myself. Directors of the race could not give me the safety I need, so I have to take care of yourself . "

In response, Butler said that Pedrosa should be no need to recall the controversy Le Mans. He said: "Dani expressing his opinion and he's entitled to it. But so far we've been taking care of the incident.

"It is clear that Dani had plenty of time to think about it, but we've made a decision and we also follow the decision by a meeting between Team Gresini and Marco in Barcelona, ​​which we feel is important. Since then, I'm sure they've done the best to underline. I think Dani should not have to continue to feel frustrated.

"We always told the meeting that the rider must concentrate on the track and not on personal feelings. Directors of the race must make judgments that some people will not consider a black and white, but we want everything to race.

"I remember the incident at Estoril in 2006 and had to decide there at that time also. But it has been forgotten because it never referred to. To say that he would protect himself is not a very smart thing to say.

"The basis of all conversations with the drivers is, they must respect each other and if they have problems, then they should talk to each other in the paddock and not on the track."

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