Minggu, 10 Juli 2011

PN degree military clashes and Citizens Assembly

KEBUMEN - Session prime carrier penganiaayaan cases involving food for the Army Setrojenar Village residents who held the District Court (PN) Kebumen, Monday (4 / 7), almost in an uproar. Title of proceedings involving cases of persecution and Sutriono Asmarun alias alias Godreg Lubar, against Wagimun, villagers tapping, District Ambal, it should also be heavily guarded officer.
The atmosphere heats up when the victim's family met with the family of the accused outside the courtroom. Both sides almost clashed. The reason, the families of the victims tried to attack the defendant's family entourage. Luckily, joint officers Kebumen Police Mobile Brigade unit assisted Satpol Kutoarjo and PP under the Chief of Police Kebumen, AKBP Andik Setiyono SIK SH MH successfully intervene. In order not to repeat itself, officials limit the number of visitors allowed into the courtroom. Most of the mass of stuck out.
Meanwhile, the agenda of the session, led by Chief Justice SH MH Surono with judges of the Lis Susilowati Sutikna SH SH and MH is the reading of the indictment the prosecutor (prosecutor). Before reading the charges, the prosecutors from the Attorney General Affairs Kebumen questioned the defendant's legal advisor, Teguh Purnomo SH MHum the incumbent Chairman of the Commission Kebumen. But the judges refused the prosecutor objected.
In its claim, the prosecutor of Omar Dhani SH, Eko Basuki Yulianto SH and SH Bintarti said the two accused namely Asmarun alias alias Godreg Sutriono Lubar and has committed abuses against the victim, Wagimun on April 11, 2011. At that time, the victim is carrying 50 packets of rice packs for soldiers of the army which was at the Village Dislitbang Setrojenar intercepted and beaten the two defendants. As a result of the beating, the victim suffered injuries and had to undergo treatment at the Puskesmas Buluspesantren. "The actions of the defendant, violated Article 170 paragraph (1) jo Penal Code Article 351 paragraph (1) to-1 of the Criminal Code punishable by a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment and 2 years 8 months," said the prosecutor.
Upon indictment, the defendant through his legal counsel, Teguh Purnomo SH MHum admitted the objection and exception to read (the defense). Therefore, the judges agreed to delay the trial, and will hold a re-hearing the case on Monday (11 / 7) future.
As reported, the District Court (District Court) held a hearing Kebumen case case military clashes with residents in April for two consecutive days, Monday and Tuesday (4-5/7). Six villagers Setrojenar a defendant in the lawsuit. After hearing the case yesterday persecution, PN Kebumen Affairs will hold a hearing case against four other defendants, today (5 / 7). The four defendants each, Lekhan, Birin, Mulyono, and Adi was charged with destruction of facilities owned by the TNI. (Cah)

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